Infrastructure and cities for economic development

Infrastructure and Cities for Economic Development (ICED) was the UK FCDO’s (then Department for International Development) catalytic, flexible facility designed to accelerate the FCDO’s infrastructure and cities initiatives across the world to contribute to poverty reduction and to resilient, inclusive, and transformative economic growth.

Our team worked with ICED to strengthen its focus on disabilty inclusion, providing guidance on how to achieve greater disability inclusion through investments in infrastructure and cities. Well planned infrastructure and inclusive urban services are fundamental to unlocking the potential of persons with disabilities; the integration of inclusive design is an important and integral consideration for all urban and infrastructure programming. Currently, disability inclusion is not consistently addressed across infrastructure programming and policy dialogue. The guidance our team provided highlighted the opportunity for FCDO programmes, providing basic, introductory guidance on disability inclusion to advisers and managers engaging with a range of infrastructure and urban investments, and setting out opportunities for these investments to deliver positive impacts for persons with disabilities.