Our projects
Impel has taken the lead on and been involved in a number of projects that have delivered lasting and positive change.
Evaluation of the Ford Foundation’s Disability Inclusion Initiative
Strengthening inclusion across the Girls’ Education Challenge
Inclusion of children with disabilities in routine general health care
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on people who have been marginalised
Persons with disabilities' access to Sierra Leone’s health services
Mid-term review of Comic Relief’s inclusive education programme
Shule Bora: Quality and inclusive education in Tanzania
Strengthening organisational capacity around inclusion
Evaluation of UNICEF Malaysia’s #ThisAbility Initiative
Innovating Pathways for Employment Inclusion
Infrastructure and cities for economic development
Innovation that supports inclusive humanitarian action
Grantmaking to end violence against women and girls with disabilities
Inclusion of children with disabilities in school feeding programmes
Global Disability Summit 2022: Progress on commitments
Towards Inclusive Social Protection: UNPRPD ILO-UNICEF Project evaluation
Evaluation of Sexual And Gender Based Violence in Liberia and Sierra Leone