Lorraine Wapling
Lorraine shares oversight of Impel’s portfolio of work drawing on her background in research to ensure we deliver high quality, evidence-based findings.
With a PhD in inclusive education and over 20 years’ experience in the development sector, Lorraine has gained a strong reputation for her work on disability inclusive development. This has seen her working with major development agencies such as the UK’s Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO), to develop and deepen their approaches to inclusive development through training and strategic support. Lorraine has long established technical experience in leading a wide range of programme related processes including qualitative data collection and analysis; participatory research approaches; barrier analysis; baseline and endline evaluations; and designing and delivery of webinars, training and the development of training-related materials. Lorraine’s experience covers a broad range of thematic areas including education, social protection, health and community-based development.
Lorraine has worked with a number of leading agencies including the UN PRPD, UNICEF, FCDO, Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and international NGOs including Sightsavers, ActionAid, World Vision and WaterAid alongside leading Organisations of Disabled Persons such as the European Disability Forum and the International Disability Alliance.
Lorraine has co-written a number of leading publications including Travelling Together: How to include disabled people on the main road of development and Beyond Charity: A donors guide to inclusive grant making and has delivered papers at the UN for the Conference of States Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Disabled Persons and at conferences such as the UK’s Education and Development Forum and for the Comparative & International Education Society.