Inclusion of children with disabilities in school-based feeding programmes

School-based health and nutrition programmes (including school feeding) are well placed to tackle poor nutritional status among children and young persons with disabilities, if appropriate access to school-based interventions is ensured.

To date, disability inclusive school-based feeding programmes have been extremely limited in number and in scope, meaning the evidence base for what works is not extensive. We worked with the World Food Programmes Regional Bureau for Asia and the Pacific to develop a Practice Guide designed to enhance understanding of the links between school feeding and disability inclusion, and to identify entry points to help actors designing and implementing school-based feeding programmes address barriers experienced by children and young persons with disabilities (and their families) to school-based feeding programmes.

Action to strengthen disability inclusion across school-based feeding programmes is possible, regardless of capacity or resources. The Disability inclusive school feeding: Practice Guide will help key actors strengthen the impact and inclusion of children and young persons with disabilities in school-based feeding programmes.